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Meet Veristat in Barcelona at BIOSPAIN 2023,                                      26-28 September 2023   

With more than 29 years of experience in clinical trial planning and execution, Veristat is equipped to support any development program. 


As you look to transition your compound into clinical trials, you need the right partner to guide your planning and decision-making. Whether you are preparing your IND/CTA, or you are looking to recruit patients  quickly to get your early phase trials running, or just need medical writing or biostatistical support  for your programs – Veristat can help.  

We provide impactful solutions on both a full-service or functional service basis, including strategic regulatory guidance, clinical program design, and IND/CTA support through to successful regulatory approval. 


Veristat’s Presenter at BIOSPAIN 2023: 

Montse Barceló Riera,M.D. 

We are pleased to announce that  Montse Barceló Riera M.D., Vice President of Europe at Veristat, will be a speaker at the plenary session, The Patient Voice as a Starting and Ending Point for the Development of New Innovative Healthcare Solutions. 
Panel Summary:

New science, new technologies, new challenges, and constant change are impacting the way we discover, develop, and provide new healthcare solutions to those suffering from a disease. The complexity of this constellation of innovation can easily eclipse the efforts being made. As sponsors move forward with their development strategies, the voice of the patient can play an essential role in establishing relevant new drug development objectives amidst the complexity. Patient perspectives and expectations can make significant contributions to what is needed for designing, investigating, and providing solutions that address their real-world challenges. 
Panelists will also discuss the latest digital technologies in healthcare, bringing in perspectives from clinical experts and pharmaceutical sponsors as they debate how digital technology innovation could benefit from patient insights. 

Panel Date:  27th September, 11:30 to 12:15 CET


Jose Maria Gimenez Arnau, Chief Scientific & Medical Officer, ESTEVE Healthcare 


Fulvio Capitanio, member of the World Parkinson Coalition 2023 Steering Committee, Barcelona  

Carmen Rios Benton, Founder Doctomatic. Member Board Tech Barcelona  

Begoña Nafría Escalera, Patient engagement & Research coordinator, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona. Coordinator eYPAGnet  

Montse Barceló Riera, VP Europe Veristat  


Schedule A Meeting with US:

Veristat team members, Montse Barceló Riera MD, VP Europe, and Balma Gil,  Business Development, will be at the venue, ready to listen to your needs and share Veristat’s expertise.  
If you would like to meet us at BIOSPAIN  2023, feel free to contact us to arrange a meeting through the form.   

Bio Spain 2023 Event page image


Conference Details

Website: BIOSPAIN 2023



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