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Light The Night Walk 2019 | Veristat Walks in Boston & Toronto

Four Years and Counting....

Veristat is proud to have participated in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk for the fourth year in a row. This year, for the first time, Veristat participated in two walk locations: Boston and Toronto!

 Light The Night Boston 2019 - October 17, 2019

Boston Team Light The Night 2019_optOur Boston team’s walk took place on a chilly Boston Common, where over 5,000 walk participants huddled around the stage to listen to speeches by survivors, family members, and caregivers. Just before the walk began, they hosted the Lighting Ceremony. Red lanterns, carried by supporters of the cause, were lit first; then gold lanterns, carried by those walking in memory of a loved one. The Lighting Ceremony concluded by lighting the white lanterns, carried by survivors and patients with leukemia and lymphoma. The survivors are asked to gather in the Survivor’s Circle in the center of the crowd; a strong core of people living with and fighting these illnesses.


Light The Night Toronto 2019 - October 19, 2019

LLS Toronto Team_optOur Toronto team’s walk took place at Nathan Phillips Square, where the CN Tower could be seen lit up in red light as a sign of support for Light the Night. Our Toronto team arrived early to decorate our banner and gather with the survivors and fellow supporters to listen to the Opening Ceremonies and participate in the Lantern Lighting Ceremony. The route took us past SickKids Hospital where patients, staff, and supporters could be seen waving and holding lights to show their support from the windows of the Hospital, then back to the Square where the Closing Ceremonies took place. We had a great time fundraising and walking for an amazing cause, and we look forward to participating again in the years to come!

LLS Group photo_optWhy Donate?

Fundraising from the Light The Night Walk goes to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, whose goal is to find a cure to blood cancers. They also provide caregiver assistance, support groups, nutrition consultations, financial assistance for travel and co-pays, and much more. Veristat is proud to have once again raised funds for this important cause – because we are inspired to make a difference, every day.

You can help too, by donating today!



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