Join Veristat and other Oncology researchers, clinicians and patients at the ESMO 2016 Conference, focused on finding the most effective cancer treatment solutions available today. ESMO 2016 offers a top-notch scientific and educational program created by international experts in oncology. Some key topic areas include:
Veristat to Attend the CDISC International Interchange 2016
September 16, 2016
Join Veristat and healthcare industry professionals from around the world to share progress, implementation experiences and strategies for data interchange standards for clinical research. This is your opportunity to learn about the following informative topics that will be presented both in learning course and throughout the program, such as:
Veristat to Speak on Biomarker Utilities in Adaptive Trials at the Duke Industry Statistics Symposium
September 8, 2016
Join Veristat and other statistical experts at the 4th Annual Duke-Industry Statistics Symposium (DISS), which is an annual symposium organized by the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke University School of Medicine, and co-sponsored by local pharmaceutical, statistical and clinical outsourcing firms.
Veristat to Attend the Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM) 2016 Annual Conference
August 18, 2016
Join Veristat and other data management professionals to learn, network and discuss the latest trends and challenges that data managers face today.
Join Veristat and over 500 attendees from the local biopharmaceutical industry at this year’s Outsourcing in Clinical Trials New England show in Boston, MA. The conference theme is discovering new strategies for operational challenges during clinical trials such as patient centricity, sites and trial design.
Join Veristat and other pharmaceutical and biotech companies at the only operationally-focused oncology conference in the US, the 5th Annual Clinical Operations in Oncology Trials East 2016 Conference taking place on July 13-14, 2016 in Boston, MA.
Veristat to Attend the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
May 17, 2016
Join Veristat and over 30,000 oncology professionals from around the world at the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting taking place in Chicago, IL on June 3-7, 2016.
The Role of Transparency in CRO-Sponsor Partnerships: Enabling Better Collaboration Models